Eastern Kingdoms
Zone Faction Hordde Fire Aliance Fire
Eversong Woods Horde 46 50 -
Ghostlands Horde 46 26 -
Western Plaguelands Contested - 43 82
Eastern Plaguelands Contested - -
Tirisfal Glades Horde 57 52 -
Silverpine Forest Horde 49 38 -
Alterac Mountains Contested - -
Hillsbrad Foothills Contested 58 25 50 46
The Hinterlands Contested 76 74 14 50
Arathi Highlands Contested 74 41 50 44
Wetlands Contested - 13 47
Dun Morogh Alliance - 46 46
Loch Modan Alliance - 32 40
Badlands Contested 4 48 -
Searing Gorge Contested - -
Burning Steppes Contested 61 29 80 62
Elwynn Forest Alliance - 43 63
Redridge Mountains Alliance - 25 60
Westfall Alliance - 56 53
Duskwood Contested - 73 54
Deadwind Pass Contested - -
Swamp of Sorrows Contested 46 47 -
Stranglethorn Vale Contested 32 75 33 73
Blasted Lands Contested - 58 17

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